Denver, CO 80202
(303) 623-3523
Atmosphere: The place had a hole in the wall feel to it and was decorated sort of like a basement (at least that is the vibe I got from it). There were the retro game tables, which, though novel, I found to be a little confusing because I felt like I should not order food and sit there to eat for I feared spilling liquid on the game table and messing it up...but they seemed to be using them like tables, so I don't know. They placed them right by the booth seats, which was a great spot for our luggage, but (1) our bags took up too much space and (2) the whole eating over electrical tables was quiet worrisome.
Some people watching the football game on the TV which did not have the best clarity.
Also, there was this curtain that separated the restaurant from the other place next door that looked like a bar (I believe it was called Double Daughters)? I didn't take a look, but I thought it looked interesting.
But for me, the most interesting part was watching the guy spinning the pizza dough. I cannot say there are a lot of places in LA were I can see that, but then again, I don't go to many pizza joints either.

Okay, so about the food...
The Look: Mushroom and Spinach Pizza (I seriously cannot remember the name the gave it, but that was basically what it was). Looked like a really fresh out of the oven pizza.

The Smell: I love the small of fresh baked bread and that is the smell that I noticed the most.
The Taste: So, I really do just eat pizza for the bread and I have to say it was pretty good. Thin and crisp, but soft on the inside. I did like the fact that there was no corn meal at the bottom of the pizza like some other places have. I don't care for that added texture.
Next, the sauce. It was sweet, but the most interesting thing about it was the fact that there were slices of garlic in it. I did not know there was supposed to be garlic in the sauce until my friend said that he got a chunk of garlic in that bite he took. Then later, in one of my bites, I got a chunk of garlic and so did my other friends. I have to say, I really did love the slices of garlic because it gave it some bite, but then again, I really love garlic. It was a nice surprise.
And lastly, the toppings. Mozzarella cheese, spinach, and mushrooms. What else can be said about it other than those are basically my favorite toppings. If there were artichoke hearts on it, it would have been like heaven.
The only thing I did not really care for was this sign they had up by the pizza cook.

Dollar to talk to the cook
Why not just ask for a tip guys? It is kind of funny, but kind of not at the same time and I am sad to say it, but the tone I got from it was Douchebags.
Don't get my wrong, the pizza was actually pretty good and I am pretty sure I am not just saying that because my friends and I had almost nothing to eat until about 4:30/5:00 pm, but that sign really did bother me. Would it bother me enough to not go there again? If they gave me attitude about it, then maybe. If I go back to Denver, would I eat there again? Maybe not, but that is because I would like to try different places, though Spicy Pickle was pretty impressive, so I think I would eat THERE again.